A rhinoceros and a rabbit

As told by Mohammed Ayub, 45 years old, a Rohingya teacher and a humanitarian worker

Tankali Refugee Camp, Cox’s Bazaar, Bangladesh 


A large rhinoceros was walking across a mountain. Because of his size, the animals in the forest were afraid of him. When they saw him coming, they started to flee and hide from the huge rhinoceros. 

One day the rhinoceros realized he was among smaller animals.

He loudly exclaimed, “Do not be afraid and run away from me! I came here to rule over all of you. I will protect you from internal disunity and from threats from outsiders.”

Slowly, the animals came out from their hiding places. “Yes,” they began to say, “that sounds like a good idea.” There were so many animals in the forest that were dangerous and a big animal like the rhinoceros would help them to be safe. 

“I only have one condition,” the rhinoceros continued. 

“Every day you must bring me a small animal to eat for lunch.”

At first the animals were surprised by the request. But eventually they decided that it would be better to have one of them eaten each day than to always be afraid and in danger. Reluctantly, they accepted the rhinoceros’s proposal.

Some time went by. Every day, a small animal would be given to the rhinoceros for his lunch. 

One day, it was a young rabbit’s turn. He had been ordered by his fellow animals to sacrifice himself, and he was afraid to disobey the order. At the same time, he was very afraid of being chewed up in the huge rhinoceros’ mouth. And so the young rabbit hatched a plan.

That day, at lunch time, the rabbit arrived to the rhinoceros late for his lunch appointment. 

The rhinoceros, by now both impatient and very hungry, shouted at the rabbit, “Where have you been? I have been waiting for you!”

The clever rabbit replied, “When I was coming to you an animal much larger than you stopped me on the road. He was looking for you because he wanted to fight with you.”

Suddenly the rhinoceros became very angry and forgot all about eating the little rabbit. 

“Where is he?” the rhinoceros bellowed. “Come and show me, little rabbit!” 

And so the rhinoceros and the rabbit started along the path to the road. 

Soon after, the rabbit brought the rhinoceros to a deep well. 

“Look down inside the well, you can see the huge animal. He is looking for you!” said the rabbit.

The rhinoceros swung his huge head to look down inside the well. At once, the rhinoceros saw an animal, just as big, staring angrily back at him! Without hesitating, he leapt at the animal, and fell deep down into the well where he died.

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